
在2016年11月28日 (一) 23:35由劉國安對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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  1. 翻譯網站:BattleField Hardline OPERATOR
  2. 原文:This class is powerful, but balanced now. The Operator’s extensive selection of carbines and assault rifles gives him a wide engagement range and the medical function of the class is very important for teamwork. However, his limited number of gadgets makes him a little bit more accessible to new players and also limits his flexibility, meaning other classes are needed to support him.
  3. 翻譯:這個兵種原本非常強大,但現在被遊戲平衡了。操作者擁有大量精選的卡賓槍跟突擊步槍,這兩種槍可以給他有寬闊的攻擊距離。而他也擁有對於團隊即有用處的醫療功能。但是他有限的裝備跟操作性非常適合新玩家,這也表示他需要其他的兵種來支援他。


  1. 翻譯網站:BattleField Hardline MECHANIC
  2. 原文:The Mechanic started off as a pure vehicle-based role, but vehicles are somewhat less prominent in Hardline, so it evolved over time. Where it is right now is a pretty sweet spot. Being the “gadget guy” means he gets an eclectic collection of useful toys, but he still retains his importance in vehicle-based maps and modes. A great complement to the Operator, as his close-range SMGs can destroy nearby enemies effectively.
  3. 翻譯:機械師原本只是用來修復載具的,但是在Hardline裡面載具比較不突出,過了一段時間之後他就進化了。他現在是處於好的狀態。他擁有一些電子裝備跟有用的小裝置,所以被稱作“gadget guy"。在有一些有關載具的地圖跟模式裡,他還是保留著修復載具的重要性。他跟Operator是個好搭檔,因為他的近距離衝鋒槍(Submachine Gun)可以有效地消滅附近的敵人。


  1. 翻譯網站:BattleField Hardline ENFORCER
  2. 原文:The Enforcer is still a bad-ass. Capable close range shotguns and long range battle rifles, along with the ability to provide ammunition to teammates and shield them from damage are powerful abilities. In addition, he’s got the every-popular Breaching Charge which allows him some tactical flexibility and brings a great deal of appeal to the class.
  3. 翻譯:


  1. 翻譯網站:BattleField Hardline PROFESSIONAL
  2. 原文:The hard-hitting DMRs and SRs the professional has can be used to secure an objective from a distance, while his rapid-fire sidearm can be used close-in. The camera and LTMs can help the pro survive being flanked and ambushed, and can be used tactically to defend objectives to assist his team. In addition, stealth training lets the pro get up close and personal, getting the drop on unsuspecting enemies.
  3. 翻譯: