- 1 week 35: 8/29-9/04
- 2 week 36: 9/05-9/11
- 3 week 37: 9/12-9/18
- 4 week 38: 9/19-9/25
- 5 week 39: 9/26-10/02
- 6 week 40: 10/03-10/09
- 7 week 41: 10/10-10/16
- 8 week 42: 10/17-10/23
- 9 week 43: 10/24-10/30
- 10 week 44: 10/31-11/06
- 11 week 45: 11/07-11/13
- 12 week 46: 11/14-11/20
- 13 week 47: 11/21-11/27
- 14 week 48: 11/28-12/04
- 15 week 49: 12/05-12/11
- 16 week 50: 12/19-12/25
- 17 week 51: 12/26-01/01
- 18 week 01: 01/02-01/08
- 19 week 02: 01/09-01/15
- 20 week 03: 01/16-01/22
week 35: 8/29-9/04
- 3G network---------------------------|3g網路
- 4G network---------------------------|4g網路
- access control-----------------------|存取控制
- addressing---------------------------|定址、解決
- antivirus software-------------------|防毒軟體
- application controls-----------------|應用控制
- application proxy filtering----------|應用代理過濾
- application server-------------------|應用程式伺服器
- artificial intelligence----------( AI )|人工智慧
- attribute----------------------------|屬性
- 通過
week 36: 9/05-9/11
- authentication 身份認證
- authorization management system 授權管理系統
- authorization policies 授權政策
- automated toll-collection system 自動收費系統
- autonomic computing 自主計算
- bandwidth 寬頻
- benchmarking 標杆
- biometric authentication 生物辨識技術
- blog 部落格
- broadband 頻寬
- 未念
week 37: 9/12-9/18
- bugs 程式錯誤
- bullwhip effect 長鞭效應
- bus topology 匯排流拓墣
- business 企業
- business in telligence 商業智慧
- business model 商業模式
- business process management 企業流程管理
- business process reengineering 企業流程再造
- business process 企業流程
- business to business___B2B
- 未念
week 38: 9/19-9/25
- business to consumer---B2C
- client/server coputing主從事運算
- cable internet connection 有線電視網際網路連線
- cable modem 纜線數據機
- capacity planning 產能規劃
- case-based reasining 個案推理
- cellular phone/mobile phone 行動電話
- centralized system 集中式系統
- Certificate Authority 憑證管理中心
- change management 變革管理
- 未念
week 39: 9/26-10/02
- CIO (Chief Information Officer) 資訊長
- CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer) 知識長
- churn rate 流失率
- class 類別
- click fraud 點閱詐欺
- client 客戶端
- cloud computing 雲端計算
- cloud infrastructure 雲端基礎建設
- cloud platform 雲端平台
- cloud software 雲端軟體