
在2016年10月12日 (三) 17:56由劉國安對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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  1. 翻譯網站:BattleField Hardline OPERATOR
  2. 原文:This class is powerful, but balanced now. The Operator’s extensive selection of carbines and assault rifles gives him a wide engagement range and the medical function of the class is very important for teamwork. However, his limited number of gadgets makes him a little bit more accessible to new players and also limits his flexibility, meaning other classes are needed to support him.
  3. 翻譯:
  4. 翻譯網站:BattleField Hardline MECHANIC
  5. 原文:The Mechanic started off as a pure vehicle-based role, but vehicles are somewhat less prominent in Hardline, so it evolved over time. Where it is right now is a pretty sweet spot. Being the “gadget guy” means he gets an eclectic collection of useful toys, but he still retains his importance in vehicle-based maps and modes. A great complement to the Operator, as his close-range SMGs can destroy nearby enemies effectively.
  6. 翻譯: