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This is what I have discovered:
At my school the first lesson of the day starts at 7.30 am and the last lesson does not finish until 9.30 pm. The students get 10 minutes of free time between each lesson, plus longer break times for their lunch and dinner.
[https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/magazine/life-around-world/hard-work 努力工作]
During their lunch break at about 1.30 pm the school is eerily quiet and all of the hallways and playgrounds are deserted, because every classroom is full of students who are fast asleep. I also found out that a lot of the time students are expected to attend school on the weekends for extra lessons, or to sit exams. Chinese students work longer hours a week than most adults in England!
When I was a teenager in London I started school at 8.30 am and finished at 3.30 pm every day. I had weekends to myself and I got to have dinner with my family or friends, usually in my own home. Discovering how hard my students work has made me feel extremely lazy and inspired me to try to be productive every day by challenging myself to learn Chinese, explore my new city and discover more about this fascinating country. It has also made me more understanding about their accidental naps in the classroom!

2017年6月28日 (三) 21:59的最新修訂版本



  • 被動語態造句(be+p.p.):
    1. This homework will be written by me.
    2. Flowers were planted by Mary.
    3. Baseball is played by them.
    4. Her wallet was stolen by a thief one week ago.
  • 現在完成式(has/have+p.p.):
    1. I have played the piano for ten years.
    2. She has gone to the United Kingdom.
    3. He has been to Japan.
    4. Mary has never played basketball.


  • 過去進行式(was/were+V-ing)
    1. Julia was baking a cake at 10:00.
    2. I was playing tennis.
    3. She was crying at that time.
    4. My father was taking my grandmother to hospital at five yesterday afternoon.
  • 敘述某群體中部份或整體情況(量詞(one/both)+of+the+可數名詞))
    1. There are many apples.One of the apple is bad.
    2. There are two men.Both of them are handsome and tall.
    3. There are four cakes on the table.All of them are delicious.
    4. My uncle has three daughters.One of them is fat.The others are thin.


  • 動詞+不定詞(to+V)或動名詞(Ving)
    1. I stopped eating dinner.
    2. Mary remembered locking the door.
    3. Jerry forgot to wash dishes.
    4. They stopped to play computers games.
  • 同位語
    1. John,my favorite friend,will visit me next week.
    2. Chloe,my pretty sister,is wearing braces.
    3. Scott,our new swimming coach,is swimming.
    4. Table tennis,her favorite sport,let she have a healthy body.


  • 授與動詞(give、send、bring、find、tell、read、write、buy等,搭介係詞不同to、for)
  • 通常搭配to: give, send, bring, tell, read, write
  • 通常搭配for: bring, find, buy, make, send, read, write
    1. Tiffany sent Julia a letter.(Tiffany寄一封信給Julia)
    2. She sent a gift to Ivy.(她寄一個禮物給Ivy)
    3. My father made a cake for my mom.(我爸爸做一個蛋糕給我媽媽)
    4. Richard gave his wife a hug.(Richard給他的老婆一個擁抱)
  • 不定詞(to+V)當主詞
    1. To jog is healthy.(慢跑是健康的)
    2. To write a diary is relaxing.(寫日記是令人感到輕鬆的)
    3. To drink much drinks is bad for one's body. (喝太多飲料對身體有害的)
    4. To drive fast is dangerous.(開快車是危險的)


  • 連綴動詞
    1. The poor man looks hungry.(這窮的男人看起來很餓)
    2. The exquisite cake tasted delicious.(這精緻的蛋糕嘗起來很美味)
    3. The rock and roll sounds passionate.(搖滾樂聽起來是熱血的)
    4. Sea cucumbers feels soft(海參摸起來是軟的)
    5. I sometime goes to Hualien(我有時候回去花蓮)
    6. Julia often rides a bike to school.(Julia經常騎腳踏車去學校)
    7. Ivy seldom plays the piano.(Ivy很少練琴)
    8. Jack usually swims in the morning(Jack通常在早上游泳)


  • 關係子句"
    1. I likes this dog which is drinking water.(我喜歡這隻正在狗喝水的狗)
    2. She like this painting which was drew by me.(她喜歡這幅我畫的圖)
    3. He finds a long hair girl who fall down the river.(他要找的長髮女孩掉進河裡了)
    4. My mother teaches children who are cry in the class.(我媽在教室教一群正在哭的小孩)
  • 動名詞片語當主詞
    1. Eating foods provides me energy. (吃食物能提供我能量)
    2. Watching movie is relaxing.(看電影是放鬆的)
    3. Drinking coke hurts our body.(喝可樂會傷害我們的身體)
    4. Doing exercise makes everybody healthy.(做運動使大家健康)


  • 動詞和過去分詞
    1. He was interested in this drama.(他對這個戲劇感興趣)
    2. She was confused about this mathematics question.(她對這數學題目感到困惑)
    3. Chloe was satisfied with test results.(Chloe對考試成績很滿意)
    4. I was frightened at the murder case.(那件殺人案讓我受到驚嚇)
  • 動詞和現在分詞
    1. It is an amusing cook class.(這是堂有趣的烘焙課)
    2. This forest is surprising to them.(這個森林令他們驚訝)
    3. The science fiction tires me.(科幻小說使我疲倦)
    4. This amusement park is exciting to everyone.(遊樂園令大家興奮)


  • enough to+v(夠...可以...)
    1. This house is big enough to live their family.(這房子夠大可以住他們一家人)
    2. The decoration of this house is exquisite enough to sell good price.(這間房子的裝潢夠精緻可以賣好價錢)
    3. Her paintings is artistic enough to open the exhibition.(他的畫夠藝術可以開畫展)
    4. His English is fluent enough to Become translator.(他的英文夠流利可以成為譯者)
  • used to v
    1. Teddy used to eat fried chicken.(Teddy stopped eatting.)(Teddy吃炸雞)
    2. Chloe used to be a teacher.(Chloe is not a teacher now.)(Chloe是老師)
    3. Mr.Lin used to drive this car.(Mr.Lin stopped driving this car.)(Mr.Lin開這台車)
    4. She used to be an athlele.(She is not an athlete now.)(她是運動員)



When I go to a new place the first thing I like to do is walk around the streets, to explore and get lost in the city. When I first arrived in Santiago, Chile, and took a walk around the city centre, one of the first things I noticed was how many stray dogs there were. The phrase 'street dog' or 'stray dog' is used to describe a dog with no home, who lives on the streets.


On every corner there was a sleeping dog. At every traffic light there was a dog waiting to cross. By every shop there was a dog waiting for food. At first I was nervous as I thought they might be aggressive or unfriendly. However, I have been here for more than a year now and every stray dog I have seen has been passive, quiet and friendly.




The dogs are accepted and welcomed here in Chile. I have never seen a street dog being mistreated. In fact, they are often given food and water by the public. Some people even make jackets for the dogs or put out beds or kennels for them to sleep in.


The dogs do not have an easy life: they are often hungry, cold or injured. The government does not provide much care for these dogs.




Some people believe that the situation is getting out of control and that it is unacceptable to have so many dogs on the streets. The dogs can sometimes cause problems such as car accidents if they run into the road. There are an estimated 2.5 million stray dogs in Chile and the canine population is growing faster than the human population. Many Chileans think that all the stray dogs should be sterilised so that they cannot breed. Others think that the stray dog population should be culled (i.e. reducing the population by killing them).


The future of street dogs is uncertain but for now it looks like they are here to stay, with their population expanding year by year.




I have been teaching in a middle school in China now for about 2 months. I teach 15- to 18-year-olds, so I try to make my lessons as fun as possible with videos and games for me and my classes to play together. I love my job because most of my students try really hard in lessons and they are incredibly responsive and enthusiastic about learning English. However, one thing that bothers me is that I occasionally have to nudge students who have fallen asleep in the middle of a lesson!




One or two students fall asleep in my class every day. Some students even bring pillows to school so that they can rest comfortably on their desks. I solve this problem by explaining to my students that if I catch them sleeping then they have to answer a question about the day's learning in front of the class. This has worked very well in my lessons, but I still wanted to know why I had such sleepy students.


This is what I have discovered: At my school the first lesson of the day starts at 7.30 am and the last lesson does not finish until 9.30 pm. The students get 10 minutes of free time between each lesson, plus longer break times for their lunch and dinner.




During their lunch break at about 1.30 pm the school is eerily quiet and all of the hallways and playgrounds are deserted, because every classroom is full of students who are fast asleep. I also found out that a lot of the time students are expected to attend school on the weekends for extra lessons, or to sit exams. Chinese students work longer hours a week than most adults in England!


When I was a teenager in London I started school at 8.30 am and finished at 3.30 pm every day. I had weekends to myself and I got to have dinner with my family or friends, usually in my own home. Discovering how hard my students work has made me feel extremely lazy and inspired me to try to be productive every day by challenging myself to learn Chinese, explore my new city and discover more about this fascinating country. It has also made me more understanding about their accidental naps in the classroom!
